You can access reports for your entire team (direct and indirect reports) via the Manager Compliance Dashboard in Learn.
For further information about the Manager Compliance Dashboard, review the FAQ
- Log in to Learn
- Select My People & Reports > Compliance Dashboard
- Scroll to the bottom of the page to the section titled Compliance for your Indirect Reports. Under Mandatory – Direct & Indirect Reports and select both Once Off Courses and Refresher Courses.
- You will need to export 2 reports and combine the results.
- You will need to export 2 reports and combine the results.
- Scroll to the bottom of the screen and export each report to Excel.
- Combine the 2 reports in Excel.
- Once combined, complete required data analysis. For information on the Learn Training Status' review the FAQ.
You can also drill down into the Compliance Dashboard by filtering by any column headers e.g. Status and see people who are Due Not Certified (orange) and people who are Overdue or Expired (red)